
[红警2共和国之辉下载www.xtcdj.com| 更新日期:2008年10月27日
1.幻影坦克的第二能力是让它周围的单位隐形还是把它们伪装成树、车或者其他?同时,在幻影坦克移动时这种能力能不能用? -theroflcopter


2. 哪种单位是不能够“行贿”的? -havok2100x


3. 一级的基地防御,包括防空炮、防御者-VX、哨戒跑、多管枪塔能不能在水面和陆地上放置?如果能,那么我如何往水里的多管枪塔里放兵? - irelox


4. 当你们在决定往RA3中加入第三个阵营时,哪些阵营是曾经被提到过的?为什么最后选中了旭日帝国? -Unknown_fan


5. 天启坦克还有没有防空导弹? -RoMaNoV_007


6. RA3里的箱子能给我们什么? -zrooper


The developers of Red Alert 3 have answered a new set of fan questions! Learn some new info on Red Alert 3 in the new Q&A Session #11!

To ask your questions, so they may be answered in the future, please post here!


Red Alert Q&A #11

1. Does the mirage tanks ability cloak friendly units or does it disguise them as trees/cars/etc? Also, does it work while the mirage tank is moving? -theroflcopter

The Mirage Tank?s Gap Generator cloaks friendly units, essentially making them invisible to enemies. It does not disguise them as part of the surroundings. The Mirage Tank?s innate ability is to disguise itself into the background, but this only works when it?s stationary.

2. What units will you not be able to "bribe"? -havok2100x

Among other units, the Spy cannot use his bribe ability on aircraft, MCVs, and Imperial Cores.

3. Will T1 Defenses such as Flak Cannon, Defender-VX, Sentry Gun, Multigunner Turret, be placed on both Land and Water? How will I place infantry inside the multigunner turret on water? - irelox

Yes, you will be able to place all tier- 1 base defenses either on land or on water. You cannot place non-amphibious infantry into any Multigunner Turret that?s on water, however.

4. When deciding upon a third side for Red Alert 3, what factions were suggested? And why in the end was Empire of the Rising Sun chosen? -Unknown_fan

We went through a wide variety of candidates for the third faction, including everything from an all-oceanic faction based on the Red Alert 2 Giant Squid to a more traditional sub-faction system composed of armies from around the world, and everything in between. Ultimately, we decided on the Empire of the Rising Sun mostly because 1) creating a timeline wherein Japan rises to be a militaristic world power post-WWII fit within the fiction of Red Alert very nicely; and 2) of the team?s devotion to Japanese pop culture, and the amount of reference that can be pulled from anime, manga, and videogames that we all watch and play.

5. Do apoc tanks have anti air missiles? -RoMaNoV_007

No Apocalypse Tanks cannot target air units ? they are strictly anti-ground. Most units in Red Alert 3 are extremely specialized, and excel in only one or two areas.

6. What can you get from crates in Red Alert 3? -zrooper