谭雅XBOX Live主题提供下载
[红警2共和国之辉下载www.xtcdj.com| 更新日期:2008年9月24日
扮演谭雅的珍妮·麦卡锡已准备好用她新鲜火热辣的XBOX Live下载文件包火爆你的XBOX
从现在开始,直到红色警戒3在XBOX正式发行之前,每周我们会持续提供新的文件主题包下载. 谭雅可不打算让吉玛(Eva情报官的扮演者)独占了这场好戏
谭雅XBOX Live主题提供下载
Tanya XBOX Live Downloadable Themes 8/27/08
Comrades, it's time to "shake it baby" with Tanya on your XBOX 360 dashboard. Jenny McCarthy as Tanya is ready to blow it up with her new hot XBOX Live Downloadable Content Pack. Check out the image below for a full preview and MS points cost.
Also, nearly every week from now until the launch of Red Alert 3 on XBOX 360, we will continue making available a new downloadable content theme pack on XBOX Live. Tanya wasn't about to let Gemma steal the show.